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Need for Consistency, Not Perfection: How a Sluggish Run Led to a Surprise Reunion

Didn't hit your pace goals? Don't sweat it! Consistency is key.

We've all been there. You wake up with the best intentions, plan a fantastic run, and...well, things don't quite go according to plan.  This morning was one of those days for me.

Setting the Scene: A Not-So-Stellar Start

My goal was simple: head to the park for a relaxed 60-minute jog. I started slow and easy, feeling a bit sluggish (let's be honest, maybe I hit the snooze button a few too many times).  But by the second kilometer, according to Strava, I was already back to my "normal" pace. Here's the catch:  "normal" today felt far from average effort-wise. Both mentally and physically, I just wasn't there.

Pushing Through and the Unexpected Reward

Determined to finish the 60 minutes, I pushed on. Around the 7th kilometer, I tried incorporating some strides to pick up the pace. However, even maintaining a 4:20 pace felt like a struggle. Still, I was proud to complete the full hour.

The Post-Run Twist: A Blast from the Past

Here's where things get interesting. After my run, while catching my breath, I saw someone who looked incredibly familiar. It hit me – it could be my old MBA alumni!  Intrigued, I opened LinkedIn and started scrolling, determined to confirm my suspicion.

Finally, I gathered the courage to approach him and say hello. To my delight, it was indeed him! We ended up having a fantastic conversation, catching up after what felt like forever (turns out, it had been a whole year!).

The Lesson Learned: Consistency Wins

This experience taught me a valuable lesson: sometimes, your runs won't be perfect. You might miss your pace goals, feel sluggish, or simply not be "feeling it" that day. But here's the key takeaway: consistency is what truly matters.

Just like you don't need an MBA to know how to communicate effectively, you don't need a perfect run every single time to reach your fitness goals. Sticking to a structured running plan, even on "off" days, is what brings long-term progress.

So, the next time you have a sluggish run, don't get discouraged. Focus on completing your workout and remember, consistency is the key to unlocking your full running potential!

Bonus Tip:

Think about incorporating a structured training plan into your routine. A well-designed plan helps you build endurance gradually, incorporate different types of runs (easy jogs, intervals, etc.), and schedule rest days for optimal recovery.

Happy Running!

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