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How can you achieve a personal best (PB) in running in your mid career : Structured Training and the Power of Coaching

We all know the feeling: the initial burst of running enthusiasm, the desire to push ourselves further. But for many, that initial spark fizzles out.  We fall into repetitive routines, struggle with consistency, and PBs feel like a distant dream.

Here's why:

  • Stagnant Workouts: Running regularly builds a base, but for true progress, we need structured plans. These incorporate variety (intervals, tempo runs) to target specific weaknesses and maximize results.

  • Information Overload: Countless blogs and videos offer training advice. It's overwhelming! A good plan cuts through the noise, providing a clear path to reaching your goals.

But there's more to achieving your PB than just a plan.

  • Motivation Matters: A coach is more than just a workout planner. They can be your virtual cheerleader, holding you accountable and pushing you on those tough mornings.

  • Fueling Your Success: Proper nutrition is vital for athletic performance. A coach can guide you on what to eat and drink to optimize your training and race days.

Think of a coach as a personalized app at your fingertips, constantly guiding and supporting you.

Are you prepared to unleash your full running capabilities? 

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